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ONLINE MORNING class schedule is Monday – Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
Evening LIVE ONLINE Class schedule is Monday – Thursday from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM.
Language Systems will send you a link in order to access your class through GOOGLE CLASSROOM.  

All students will be required to attend their scheduled LIVE online classes.

* EVENING STUDENTS MUST take the new ONLINE EVENING CLASSES to get ATTENDANCE credit beginning on Monday, May 11. 
** Morning Attendance will NOT be counted for Evening Classes. 
*** CURRENT AFTERNOON Students can continue to take the current Morning Online classes.
**** CLASS VIDEOS will NO LONGER BE PROVIDED.  ALL students MUST log in to scheduled LIVE online classes starting Monday, May 11, 2020.
In order to join your correct class, Language Systems will send you a link for you to access the correct Level/Schedule


1- You need your Official Language Systems Email account (We sent all the students their username / password March 17th, 2020 if you did not receive it please contact (You will not be able to join the live class with your personal email.)

2. Before you access your online class, please download and use the Chrome browser.  Here is the link:

3. Please log in to your LSI email account using the CHROME BROWSER, you can log in on or

4. Once logged in you will need to click on the link provided by LANGUAGE SYSTEMS in order to join your class. 

5. Once you click on the Link provided by LSI you will need to click the "Join Class" Link

6. Once logged in to your class through Google Classroom you will  find the LINK posted to start the LIVE CLASS. (View video below)

7. For homework and tests, click on the CLASSWORK tab. From CLASSWORK, you can download class materials from the CLASS DRIVE FOLDER.

Please view video instructions below.


1. You must download three apps in order to access your online class. Go to the APP STORE and download GOOGLE CLASSROOM, HANGOUTS MEET and GOOGLE CHROME.

2. You need your official Language Systems Email account ending in: If you did not receive your account please email:

3. Login with your new Language Systems account and paste the link we sent you to the google chrome browser.

4. Once logged in to Google Classroom, then, join your class and from the STREAM tab look for the live class stream link. 

5. Please slide down to refresh comments and you will see the link to join the class.

6. Once you click on the link it will take you to the app HANGOUTS MEET for the live Video class


Please view video instructions below.  

For online support please email:

ATTENDANCE INSTRUCTIONS (Filling out the attendance form every day)

If you are in Tablet/Phone make sure you DOWNLOAD GOOGLE CHROME APP

How to submit Homework / Assignments (Please see video below)

*Do not submit the homework in the comment section. 

For online support please email: